April 11th Photo A Day-Black and White!

April 11th Photo A Day-Black and White!

My favorite black and white photo to date, is the one at the top of this blog. But right after that, is this one. Just a photo shot on a night with friends of our best friend for his clothing line.
I smile an extra big smile at this one, because this is S and he USED to be 315 lbs. He is now a powerhouse machine of muscle and fitness! His journey has been inspirational (lost 30 lbs myself to date!) to watch and we could not be more proud of all that he has accomplished. He has in fact “Demanded Respect” as his clothing line promotes…through his actions. No other way to do it…except put your money where your mouth is.
Also, today is “National sibling day”, so I have to give him a shout out for being the only TRUE brother my husband has ever had, and one to me as well. He and his family are priceless to us! Happy April 11th, and in honor of such an amazing weight loss story…GET OUT AND GET MOVING TODAY! I know I will. 🙂